Advanced Metal Detecting Techniques for Finding Hidden Treasures

Advanced Metal Detecting Techniques for Finding Hidden Treasures


Metal detecting is not only a fun hobby but it can also be a profitable one if you know the right techniques. Finding hidden treasures with a metal detector requires a lot of patience, skill, and knowledge. In this blog post, we will discuss some advanced metal detecting techniques that can help you find hidden treasures that others may have overlooked.


Discrimination is an advanced metal detecting technique that can help you find valuable items while ignoring junk. Discrimination allows you to filter out unwanted objects, like bottle caps or nails, while searching for items of value. Most metal detectors have a discrimination feature that allows you to adjust the sensitivity to certain types of metal. By adjusting the discrimination settings, you can focus on finding specific types of metal, like gold or silver.


Pinpointing is another advanced metal detecting technique that can help you find hidden treasures. This technique involves using your metal detector to locate the exact location of an object. Most metal detectors have a pinpoint feature that allows you to determine the exact location of the object. Once you have located the object, you can dig it up and determine whether it is valuable or not.

Depth Reading

Depth reading is a technique that can help you determine the depth of an object before digging it up. Most metal detectors have a depth indicator that can give you an estimate of how deep the object is buried. By using this information, you can avoid wasting time digging up shallow targets and focus on deeper targets that are more likely to be valuable.

A grid search is a systematic way of searching an area for hidden treasures. It involves dividing the search area into smaller sections and searching each section thoroughly. This technique can help you cover a large area efficiently and increase your chances of finding valuable items. Make sure to overlap your search areas to ensure that you do not miss anything.

Beach Hunting

Beach hunting is a popular metal detecting technique that involves searching for treasures on the beach. Beaches are a great place to search for lost items like jewelry, coins, and other valuables. Make sure to search at low tide when the water level is low, and the sand is exposed. Also, pay attention to the tide schedule, as this will affect the depth and location of targets.


Research is one of the most important aspects of metal detecting. Before you start searching for hidden treasures, you need to do your homework. Research the history of the area where you plan to search and look for places where people may have lost valuable items. For example, you may want to search near old homesteads, abandoned buildings, or old battlefields. By doing your research, you can increase your chances of finding valuable items.


Advanced metal detecting techniques can help you find hidden treasures that others may have overlooked. Discrimination, pinpointing, and research are all important techniques that can help you become a successful treasure hunter. With patience, skill, and knowledge, you can uncover valuable items that have been hiding beneath the surface for years. Happy hunting!

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