Tim Saylor

Tim Saylor: The Relic Hunter Who Unearthed a Civil War Cannonball Using Garrett AT Pro Metal Detector


Metal detecting is a fascinating hobby that has been gaining popularity over the years. Tim Saylor, a metal detecting enthusiast based in the United States, is one of the most popular faces in the metal detecting community. He is a member of The Relic Hunters, a metal detecting club based in the US. In 2016, Tim Saylor made a remarkable discovery using his Garrett AT Pro metal detector. He found a Civil War cannonball that had been buried for over 150 years. In this blog post, we will discuss Tim Saylor, his metal detecting equipment, and his remarkable discovery.

Garrett AT Pro Metal Detector

Garrett AT Pro is a popular metal detector that is used by many metal detecting enthusiasts around the world. Tim Saylor is one of them. He has been using the Garrett AT Pro metal detector for many years and has made several remarkable discoveries using it. The Garrett AT Pro is a versatile metal detector that can be used in both wet and dry environments. It has several features that make it ideal for metal detecting enthusiasts, including the ability to detect targets at great depths. Its high sensitivity to small targets and its ability to differentiate between different types of metals also make it a popular choice among metal detecting enthusiasts.

The Relic Hunters

The Relic Hunters is a metal detecting club based in the United States. It is a community of metal detecting enthusiasts who share the same passion for the hobby. The club members go on regular metal detecting trips, where they search for valuable artifacts and relics from different historical periods. Tim Saylor is a member of The Relic Hunters and has been an active member for many years. The club members share their discoveries with each other and often collaborate on research projects to learn more about the historical significance of their finds.


Tim Saylor is a well-known figure in the metal detecting community, and his discovery of a Civil War cannonball using his Garrett AT Pro metal detector is a testament to his skills and dedication to the hobby. The Relic Hunters is a remarkable community of metal detecting enthusiasts who share the same passion for the hobby and work together to uncover valuable artifacts and relics from different historical periods. Metal detecting is a fascinating hobby that not only provides entertainment but also helps us learn more about our history.

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